Good Beer Week 2016

This year’s Mega Dega for Good Beer Week was proudly held at The Craft & Co – it was an incredible night of food and beer matching, with top chefs from Melbourne and beyond joining a killer lineup of breweries.

For the fourth year of the mega degustation evening, attendees were treated to a beer list put together by special guests from Garage Project (NZ), BrewDog (UK), Temple Brewing Company (VIC), Pirate Life (SA) and us!

Their beers were perfectly matched to a six course menu, compiled by chefs from across the beer world, including our very own Dom Marzano, Shaun Clouston of Logan Brown (NZ), Robin Wickens (Royal Mail Hotel), Ian Alexander (O’Connell’s), the team from La Latteria, and Bernard Chu of LuxBite.